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達賴喇嘛說,信仰能帶給伍茲紀律 《中英對照讀新聞》
發表時間:2010/2/25 下午 06:35:40
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The Dalai Lama commented on Tiger Woods’ sex scandals Saturday, saying self-discipline is among Buddhism’s highest values, one day after Woods said he had strayed from his Buddhist faith.


Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader told The Associated Press during a brief interview that he had not heard of Woods, but when the circumstances were explained to him he said that when it comes to adultery, "all religions have the same idea."


"Whether you call it Buddhism or another religion, self-discipline, that’s important," he said. "Self-discipline with awareness of consequences."


In his first public comments since the Nov. 27 car accident that set off a series of allegations of extramarital relationships, Woods said Friday that he was raised Buddhist but needed to focus anew on finding balance between his religion and professional life.


The Dalai Lama made the remarks while in the Los Angeles area to support Whole Child International, an organization that advocates better care for orphans worldwide.



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